Employee Kit for Maersk

Packaging Design


Curated Customisation: Rethinking Employee Engagement in the World of Personalisation

We designed an employee welcome kit for Maersk that embodies their philosophy. It's simple, elegant, and thoughtfully designed, reflecting Maersk's strength and sophistication while making new hires feel instantly at ease.
For Maersk, a global shipping giant, complexity is built into the DNA of their operations. Yet, we believe the best welcome for new employees should be anything but.

Maximising Brand Recall

Often, it's not just about the employee being part of the company – their friends and family become an extended crew too. So, how can we amp up Maersk's brand recall among new employees and their social circles?
Getting folks on board from the comfort of home – Now, how do we include some real-world joy into the mix for team members who've been through the whole digital hiring and onboarding process? Only 12% of employees agree that their company does a good job of onboarding new employees.

Benefits, company mission and values are among the top 5 things potential hires look at while accepting an offer. According to recruiters, the biggest cause of rejected offers (32%) is potential hires accepting another offer.How can we give Maersk’s offers the Wow factor, to enhance offer acceptance rates? 69% of job seekers are likely to apply to a company that actively manages its brand. How do we ensure a new employee gets the full Maersk-brand experience?

The number one reason why employees quit is a lack of appreciation at their current job. 79% of employees who quit claimed this was a major reason for leaving. 51% of those with jobs are searching for new openings. How can we increase employee retention by making employees feel appreciated and valued?

87% of organisations cite culture and engagement as one of their top challenges, and 50% call the problem “very important.”

Setting Sail with the Right Persona

We began by designing the employee welcome kit that a new employee receives on their first day at Maersk. We identified and built user personas for the target employee group from Maersk Tech. Based on the persona, we curated a collection of products along various themes like sustainability, technology, health and bespoke design.
At the outset, our design journey commenced with the creation of the employee welcome kit for new recruits joining Maersk. Understanding the unique needs and expectations of employees within the Maersk Tech division, we meticulously developed user personas to capture the essence of the target audience. These personas served as guiding lights, enabling us to tailor the contents of the welcome kit to resonate deeply with the individuals embarking on their journey with Maersk.

Building upon the insights gleaned from the user personas, we curated a thoughtfully crafted assortment of products spanning diverse themes such as sustainability, technology, health, and bespoke design. Each product was selected with precision to align seamlessly with the values, interests, and aspirations of the Maersk Tech community, ensuring that the welcome kit not only made a memorable first impression but also laid the foundation for a rewarding and fulfilling employee experience at Maersk.
the brief

Ensuring Smooth Sails with the Right Imagery

We identified the Maersk shipping container as the imagery that people all over the world think of when “Maersk” is mentioned. The simple Maersk container became the inspiration and starting point for our design direction.
We kicked things off by putting together the welcome kit for newbies at Maersk. We got down to business by figuring out who our main audience is over at Maersk Tech and crafted some user personas. With those personas in mind, we handpicked a bunch of products that covers everything from sustainability and tech to health and unique designs.

Everyone has seen rows of white-grey containers with the Maersk logo boldly plastered across the front, neatly stacked on ships, or behind a truck on the road. Even though the employees are not directly working in shipping and container logistics, it was important to maintain the imagery of the container to maximise brand recognition and recall among employees, their friends and families.
the solution

Daily Essentials

After multiple rounds of back and forth, we finalized the list of items going in the welcome kit. These items were based on the themes of technology, electronics, daily essentials for techies, and health.

Testing The Waters

A journey of a thousand welcome kits begins with a single prototype. In our case, it was 16 prototypes – each with different printing styles, graphics, build qualities, placement of items, and various lid constructions.
Unboxing a new product can be a layered experience that engages multiple senses and emotions. From the premium materials to the subtle Maersk branding, every touchpoint speaks of quality and care. It's a subtle statement that says, 'You're joining something special”. The process of unwrapping the packaging and revealing the product can be exciting and stimulating. The packaging design and materials, such as the texture and weight of the box, can add to the experience.

Layered Approach

Unboxing a new product can be a layered experience that engages multiple senses and emotions.From the premium materials to the subtle Maersk branding, every touchpoint speaks of quality and care. It's a subtle statement that says, 'You're joining something special”.

Printing Beyond the Sight

Textured printing is a printing technique that creates a physical texture on a printed surface, adding depth and dimension to the design. This can be achieved through various methods, such as embossing, debossing, or using special ink or paper to create a textured effect. This way of printing elevates the tactile experience of printed materials, heightening their visual and physical appeal.

From Kit to Community

From sleekly designed materials to curated welcome gifts, every detail conveyed Maersk's commitment to excellence and appreciation for its newly joining talent. Unboxing the Maersk Welcome Kit was a multi sensorial experience.
1,000 employees across two continents received the kits as part of their onboarding into Maersk. Numerous LinkedIn posts with images of the Welcome Kit from happy employees praising Maersk followed. Maersk received raving reviews from employees who were proud to join a company that recognised their value.


  • Industrial Design
  • Market Research
  • Conceptualisation
  • Branding
  • Sourcing and Procurement
  • Product Customisation
  • Quality Control
  • Packaging Design
  • Shipping Support





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