Interaction design

Experience Interaction Design for Physical Products

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WE got your back

If you are a

Hardware Startup
Small Manufacturer
Home Inventor
Product Entrepreneur

our offer

If you intend to

Launch a successful product within budget
Build a product that stands out in the market
Navigate the product development process
Innovate while maintaining manufacturing viability
Launch products on time
Gain a competitive advantage in the market
Achieve a strong product-market fit
Expand product offerings and enter new markets
Attract investment and funding

our expertise

What we can do for you

We approach design by envisioning new and intuitive interfaces to make human-machine conversations smooth, engaging and familiar yet unique.

We help startups, entrepreneurs, inventors, and innovators turn their product ideas into reality.

User Research & Insights

We work on understanding the user on a deeper level to gain insights into their preferences through ethnographic studies, user interviews, persona development, and journey mapping.
Outcome: A rich, empathetic understanding of user needs and contexts, providing a solid foundation for designing meaningful interactions.

Interaction Concept Development

Fresh & innovative ways for users to interact with products are devised through ideation workshops, scenario creation, early prototyping, and concept validation.
Outcome: A set of validated interaction concepts that clearly demonstrate how users will engage with the product.

Prototype Design & Testing

Implementation & User Validation

Through refining final prototypes, feedback integration with product design, usability testing, and iteration based on user feedback.
Outcome: A product ready for production, with interaction designs that have been validated by users, ensuring a successful market introduction.

Interface & Feedback Design

By focusing on smaller but necessary details like the design of buttons, sliders, screens, haptic feedback systems, sound design, and visual feedback indicators.
Outcome: A cohesive set of interface and feedback mechanisms that enhance user interaction, making it intuitive and engaging.

our approach

How we deliver high-quality design

Studio, not a factory

Studio, not a factory

Quality is always better than quantity and we strongly believe in maintaining a lean team of specialists who can deliver the insane. Think of us as the special forces for your design needs. Our ability to think big, while being lean is what makes us special. Each relationship is unique.

Domain agnostic

Domain agnostic

We look at solving problems across the board and are not particular about focusing on an industry as we believe the principles of design are the same across the board. We also maintain a flat hierarchy in the studio which creates an equal emphasis on all individuals creating a stronger team and hence better work.

No buzzwords, we do design thinking

No buzzwords, we do design thinking

We’re not about jargon use and post-its to prove to the world how serious we are about design. We let our work do the talking. We’d like to believe that we don’t just use design thinking to solve problems but actually through our designs help people think, interact and feel.

No wires attached

No wires attached

Unlike a dated approach of using hard servers and depending on traditional methods, we adopt an on the go approach to be productive from any part of the globe. Hassle-free storage systems on the cloud and an agile kanban project management system keeps us on track and provides a clear direction to all individuals and remote teams working together.

Young and unbiased experience

Young and unbiased experience

We like to have a young set of minds to push boundaries and challenge daily norms to create true innovation. A team of talented young go getters are who we hire and are on the constant look out for. This is complemented with a strong experienced leadership team creating the perfect balance for an innovation practice.

Lean team, yet pack a punch

Lean team, yet pack a punch

We are structured in a way to be purposefully lean and focus on breakthrough innovation by selectively curating projects and working closely with our clients from concept to production. These result in generating valuable IP and also new methodologies for explosive results.

Strong set of verified partners

Strong set of verified partners

Over several years, we have cultivated a strong set of partners to help us with large scale projects across various functions while keeping the core innovation and IP driven work with inhouse teams. This way we can provide a clear value-add in terms of maintaining client confidentiality and scale at the same time leveraging multiple suppliers and vendors for larger projects.

Focused integrated teams

Focused integrated teams

Our hiring processes look for strong individuals with complementary and multidisciplinary skills. Unlike studios who have separate teams for Product, Graphic, UX and other disciplines which create inconsistency and disparity in deliverables, we focus on a team of a specialists who have multidisciplinary skill sets to make sure our work looks and feels consistently amazing.

Craft Engaging Product Experiences
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Interaction Design?

Interaction Design (IxD) is the process of creating meaningful and engaging interactions between users and digital products or systems. It focuses on how users interact with interfaces, including website design, mobile app design, and other interactive technologies, to achieve their goals effectively and efficiently.

What is the difference between Interaction Design and HCI?

According to Wikipedia, Human-Computer interaction involves the study, planning, and design of the interaction between people (users) and computers. Interaction Design is the practice of understanding users' needs and goals.

What is HMI and is it related to Interaction design?

Human-Machine Interface (HMI) refers to the point of interaction between humans and machines, typically through interfaces such as touchscreens, keyboards, or voice commands. HMI encompasses the design and functionality of these interfaces to facilitate intuitive and efficient communication between users and devices. While HMI focuses on the physical and digital interfaces themselves, Interaction Design (IxD) is closely related as it deals with designing the overall interaction between users and systems, including HMI elements. In essence, Interaction Design encompasses the broader user experience (UX) considerations, while HMI specifically addresses the design of interface components. Therefore, while they are distinct concepts, they are inherently intertwined, with Interaction Design often influencing the design and usability of HMI components

What are the advantages of using Interaction Design?

By prioritizing user needs and preferences, interaction design enhances the overall user experience, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement. Interaction design aims to make products easy to use and navigate, reducing the learning curve for users. Well-designed interactions anticipate user actions and provide clear feedback, resulting in improved usability and efficiency. it also considers the needs of diverse user groups, including those with disabilities. By implementing inclusive design principles and accessible interaction patterns, products become more usable for everyone, regardless of their abilities. Thoughtfully designed interactions by UI/UX designers can captivate users and encourage them to interact more deeply with the product. Engaging interactions, such as animations, micro-interactions, and gamification elements, can increase user engagement and retention. Consistent patterns and conventions within a product's interface make it easier for users to navigate and understand. Familiar interactions reduce cognitive load and enhance user confidence, leading to a more cohesive and enjoyable experience. Well-crafted interactions contribute to a product's unique identity and brand personality. Through distinctive interaction design elements from UI/UX design agencies, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and leave a lasting impression on users.

What is the difference between UX design and Interaction Design?

While UX (User Experience) design encompasses the entire user journey and overall experience with a product, including aspects such as user research, information architecture, and visual design, interaction design focuses specifically on designing the interactions between users and the product's interface. Interaction design is a subset of UX design, focusing on the micro-interactions that occur within the user interface.

How do you conduct user research for Interaction Design?

User research in interaction design involves understanding the needs, behaviours, and preferences of the target audience to inform design decisions. This can be done through methods such as:

Interviews and surveys to gather qualitative and quantitative data from users.

Observational studies to observe users interacting with similar products or systems in their natural environment.

Usability testing to evaluate the usability of prototypes or existing products and gather feedback from users.

What role does sustainability play in Industrial Design?

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in industrial design as companies strive to minimize their environmental impact and meet consumer demand for eco-friendly products. Industrial designers incorporate sustainable materials, manufacturing processes, and end-of-life considerations into their designs to create more environmentally friendly products.

Is Interaction Design the same as UI/UX design?

Yes, UI/UX is a larger subset involving interaction design. Under this, there are plenty of scenarios that cover only a part of the overall UI/UX design work. Interaction design examples involve screens, car dashboards, and HMI for products like mixer grinders, microwaves, washing machines, etc. It is also closely linked to user interaction design that focuses on what users would need.

What industries can benefit from Interaction Design services?

Interaction design is flexible and adaptable, so different industries can utilise allowing products to evolve with user needs and technological advancements. By continuously refining interactions based on user feedback and data insights, products remain relevant and competitive in the market. This can positively impact key metrics such as conversion rates and user retention. By removing friction points and guiding users through desired actions, interaction design helps maximize business outcomes.

Why do leading brands invest in UX Design and Interaction Design?

Leading brands invest in UX Design and Interaction Design because these disciplines play a pivotal role in creating exceptional user experiences that drive customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. UX Design focuses on understanding user needs, behaviours, and preferences to design products and services that are intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable to use. By investing in UX Design, brands can differentiate themselves from competitors by offering superior user experiences that resonate with their target audience.

Similarly, Interaction Design focuses on designing interactive systems and interfaces that facilitate seamless communication between users and technology. Investing in Interaction Design ensures that products and digital experiences are not only functional but also engaging, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. This attention to detail enhances user satisfaction and fosters positive perceptions of the brand.

Overall, leading brands recognise that investing in UX Design and Interaction Design is essential for creating products and experiences that meet the evolving needs and expectations of consumers. By prioritizing user-centric design principles and leveraging the expertise of ui UX design agencies, brands can enhance their competitive edge, drive customer engagement, and ultimately, achieve long-term success in the market

What are the key principles of Interaction Design?

Usability: Ensuring that the product is easy to use and understand for the target audience.

Affordance: Designing elements in a way that suggests their functionality and how they can be interacted with.

Feedback: Providing users with clear and immediate feedback on their actions to guide them through the interaction.

Consistency: Maintaining consistency in design elements and patterns throughout the product to enhance user understanding and predictability.

Accessibility: Ensuring that the product is accessible to users of all abilities, including those with disabilities.

What are some common tools used in Interaction Design?

Some common tools used in interaction design include:

Wire-framing and prototyping tools (e.g., Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma)

User flow and journey mapping tools (e.g., Miro, Lucidchart)

User testing and feedback tools (e.g., UsabilityHub, UserTesting)

Animation and interaction design tools (e.g., Principle,

What are some emerging trends in Interaction Design?

Some emerging trends in interaction design include:

Voice user interfaces (VUIs) and conversational interfaces.

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences.

Gesture-based interactions and motion design.

Adaptive and personalised user interfaces.

Inclusive design practices to ensure accessibility for all users.

What software tools do Industrial Designers use?

Industrial designers use a variety of software tools for sketching, 3D modeling, rendering, and prototyping. Some commonly used software includes Autodesk Fusion 360, SolidWorks, Rhino, Adobe Creative Suite, and KeyShot.

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